Brush Butler Launched

The days of the artists’ brush washing jars are over – The Brush Butler is finally here!  It’s been 1 1/2 years since the idea for the Brush Butler first took hold.  Now I’m happy to say the Brush Butler is available and I’ve begun shipping out product!  It’s great to see it getting into the hands of the artists who will be using it.  And this has been a humbling experience while I’ve learned fostering such an invention to commercialization requires allot of help!

Over the past 18 months I’ve worked with CAD designers, patent and legal attorneys, business – commercialization mentors, engineers at UMO and at an injection mold company, website developer, internet and SEO professionals, and an assortment of other professionals, friends, and fellow artists.  My daughter Emily Ranucci who is in the video on the website, and my niece Ayumi Ranucci who made the video.  I’ve learned that an inventor is defined as the person who manages the tasks associated with the invention!  At least this is how it happens if the product is to be ultimately brought to market.   There was allot of stuff to do but it was thoroughly enjoyable!

Even with that, its not over yet as my focus shifts from development to marketing.  Now I have to get the word out and move product.  In these early weeks, this is limited to on-line social media, word to mouth, and emails.  We have an excellent website built specifically for giving information about the Brush Butler and a secure, easy on-line way to purchase.   Free shipping at this time, with very quick turnaround.  No risk, 30 day money back guarantee.  We want artists to have this in their studio.  The days of the brush washing jar are over!  Take a look at www.brushbutler,com to learn about the product.  Also please visit the Brush Butler page on Facebook!  A simple search will get you right there.   Send me an email if you have any question! Share, Post, Like!  I’d appreciate it very much!


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